basis awal bahasa Inggris
- basis: basis; base; principle
- awal: at the beginning of; early; first few; beginning;
- awal: at the beginning of; early; first few; beginning; birth; commencement; dawn; initial; onset; outset; prelude; rise; start; threshold; starting time; betimes; get-go; too soon; rootage; morning; show
- basis (geometri): base (geometry)
- basis bersama: common base
- basis darat: shore-base
- basis dasar: basic; bog-standard; 101
- basis data: databases; database; electronic information service; on-line database; computer database; electronic database; data base
- basis ekspor: export base
- basis kisi: grid tease
- basis konseptual: conceptual basis
- basis militer: military base
- basis moneter: monetary base
- basis pengetahuan: knowledge base; knowledge
- basis per: per basis